About Us

DMEevalumate.com was created in collaboration with physicians, durable medical equipment providers and Medicare coverage criteria experts, to address the importance of providing complete and accurate documentation.
DMEevalumate.com is an online algorithmic program that compares a practitioner's answers to the patient's exam, with the Medicare coverage criteria. The web-based program has several modules (for power mobility devices, oxygen, CPAPs and/or BiPAPs and 9 frequently vended general DME items) that determine what durable medical equipment, if any, patient qualifies for, completely eliminating the guess work for the practitioner and the DME company. If DMEevalumate.com confirms that the medical justification for the requested equipment has been met, it then generates the appropriate initial order (seven element order) and face-to-face evaluation documentation, in the correct format. DMEevalumate.com effectively eliminates the opportunity for accusations of fraud and up-coding that negatively impacts the DME community.
Correct Documentation

DMEevalumate.com's HIPAA compliant program ensures that the Medicare documentation needed to request medical equipment is correct.
online tool

DMEevalumate.com uses algorithmic programming to analyze the physician-supplied patient information, comparing it to the Medicare criteria and accurately matching what equipment the patient qualifies for.
saving time and money

DMEevalumate.com ensures that referring physician documentation for DME equipment is complete and accurate.
What people are saying
"During a face to face patient assessment, there are times when it's unclear when further documentation is needed. DMEevalumate.com makes it clear what documentation is required," James Smith, M.D.