How DMEevalumate works for DME Companies

Setting Up an Account
The process is fast, streamlined and efficient.
- Register on-line at's HIPAA compliant website. Registration guide
- Choose to pay an annual subscription monthly, quarterly or once a year. Use under no obligation for 90 days and get all the support and help you need which includes strategies for approaching referring physicians and free consultation from our Medicare coverage criteria experts.
- Send an invitation to the practitioners who refer patients to you. For help with best practices on presenting DMEevalumate to your referring physicians. Email for help
- DMEevalumate will notify you by email when one of your registered practitioners completes a face-to-face evaluation using the program. IMPORTANT NOTE: For HIPAA compliancy reasons, DMEevalumate does not keep record of any patient information. You will need to receive the DME documentation directly from the practitioner's office, the same way that you have in the past.

Hundreds of clients have increased DME referrals by partnering with DMEevalumate. How? They overcame their number one concern: "How can I make the DME documentation process easier for the physician?" When practitioners start using, they become more willing to prescribe PMD, oxygen and PAP therapy and general DME items, and consequently refer more business. The reason? DMEevalumate takes the guesswork out of the process and enables physicians to get back to their day-to-day practice faster. DMEevalumate offers customized marketing materials and unlimited training regarding strategies to approaching referral sources. Call 800-986-9368 for more information.

GET PAID FOR DME AND PASS AUDITS is the only truly standardized online documentation collection tool offering a face-to-face evaluation questionnaire that compares the physician's answers to Medicare's coverage criteria. It helps DME providers accurately determine whether or not requests will be approved or denied for payment.