
Tip From The Trenches

Date Published: February 06 2013

Why do we need to change the way we have been doing business for the last 20 years?

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is operating a prior authorization demonstration project for power wheelchairs and scooters in seven states: California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, North Caroline, Florida and Texas. The demonstration project started Sept. 1, 2012 and will run for three years.

The January issue of HME Business featured an article about corporate solutions for the PMD industry, and outlined the new guidelines put forth by CMS:

“CMS has been positioning this (the PA demonstration) project as an anti-fraud effort, but if anything if could be doing exactly what providers want. For years, providers have been trying to get specific documentation requirements and instructions for power mobility claims that they can ensure documentation snags won’t hold up the approval and funding for power mobility claims.

If a system can be worked out that is error free and truly gains prior authorization, this might be something for mobility providers to crow about."  

Building confidence in the DME industry, and encouraging providers to take control of this new process for documenting medical justification for PMD, resonates well with We're excited to partner with providers who are embracing this change and who are making it work.

Our goal is to help DME providers accomplish the following:

- Produce complete and accurate Medicare paperwork

- Take the guesswork out of DME documentation

- Pass Audits and keep their money 

- Increase referrals by being the first to present physicians with the solution

This information is brought to you by Tips from the Trenches, in response to FAQs from our customers. For more information, contact us at  

To read the Jan. 24 HME Business article about power mobility solutions, go to:

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" is the perfect solution to time management and accurate documentation," James Smith, M.D.