Tip From The Trenches
Date Published: June 06 2013
What are the benefits of using DMEevalumate for companies that are not in one of the seven Prior Authorization Demonstration States?
DMEevalumate helps durable medical equipment companies nationwide produce accurate medical documentation, and prepare for and pass pre-payment and post-payment audits such as RAC, CERT and ZPIC.
DMEevalumate was developed as a result of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) operating a prior authorization demonstration project for power wheelchairs and scooters in seven states: California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, North Caroline, Florida and Texas. However, in addition to serving the needs of DME providers in these seven States, DMEevalumate has proven itself to be a valuable tool across the country.
Used during a face-to-face patient encounter, DMEevalumate ensures that the correct medical justification paperwork for PMD is produced and results in passing audits and obtaining reimbursement. DMEevalumate also helps DME companies and physicians practices save valuable office staff resources, including time and money, because it effectively eliminates the ping pong effect between the physician’s office and the DME provider trying to collect accurate and complete documentation.
This information is brought to you by Tips from the Trenches, in response to FAQs from our customers. For more information, contact us at
What people are saying
" is the perfect solution to time management and accurate documentation," James Smith, M.D.