
Tip From The Trenches

Date Published: July 31 2013

If a mistake was made on the face-to-face evaluation documentation, what can physicians do to amend it?

Medicare released a clarification earlier this year that states that it is admissible to amend a written document (face-to-face evaluation or seven-element order) – the practitioner can line through the incorrect statement and hand write the change, sign and date it.

Alternatively, the practitioner can go through the face-to-face evaluation again using

Once the medical record is generated and recorded via it being saved as a PDF or printed with an electronic signature, it cannot be changed within the program. does offer a “review” section (where the practitioner can review and edit each section before saving and printing) in order to remain HIPAA compliant. 

This information is brought to you by Tips from the Trenches, in response to FAQs from our customers. For more information, contact us at 




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" is the perfect solution to time management and accurate documentation," James Smith, M.D.