DME Provider Training Guide
Introduction to
This section includes information that will help you understand why was created, what the program is and what it isn't, how it works and how it benefits DME providers and referring physicians.
- Introduction
- Why DMEs use DMEevalumate
- What is (422kb)
- Example of PMD Documentation output (102kb)
This section includes step-by-step instructions about registration, how to subscribe, how to use during a patient face-to-face evaluation and addresses frequently asked questions.
- How to subscribe (320kb)
- Patient face-to-face evaluation guide for PMD (221kb)
- Patient face-to-face evaluation guide for respiratory (256kb)
- FAQs
Demonstrate to Practitioners:
The section includes a video and pdf to help you present to referral sources. If you would like to speak with a provider relation’s representative call 800-986-9368.
- DME examples of how to present DMEevalumate to practitioners
- Tips on presenting DMEevalumate to referral sources (408kb)
Link with Practitioners:
This section provides instructions to ensure that DME Companies link with Practitioners in the program.
- How To link with practitioners (234kb)
Next Steps:
Once you have gone through all of the training videos and PDFs in the sections above, and you are ready to start using, this section provides tips regarding next steps:
In this section...
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Or alternatively call our customer service team on 800-986-9368