Tip From The Trenches - June 14 2013
Which DME items require a face-to-face evaluation and detailed written order from a physician?
Tip From The Trenches - June 06 2013
What are the benefits of using DMEevalumate for companies that are not in one of the seven Prior Authorization Demonstration States?
Tip From The Trenches - May 08 2013
Is DMEevalumate in compliance with Medicare?
Tip From The Trenches - May 02 2013
Why do I need to change the way I have been doing business for the last 20 years?
Tip From The Trenches - April 26 2013
When are DME providers responsible for PMD home assessment documentation?
Tip From The Trenches - April 18 2013
How can I get my physicians to complete all the fields in form 484 for Oxygen?
Tip From The Trenches - April 03 2013
What is the Prior Authorization process when a patient requires an OT/PT evaluation?
Tip From The Trenches - March 21 2013
Q: My referring doctor used DMEevalumate for an evaluation and the program selected a power wheelchair for the patient. The doctor (or patient) only wants a scooter. What should I do?
Tip From The Trenches - March 07 2013
Does the physician have to use during an actual patient visit, or can it be completed after the visit?
Tip From The Trenches - February 06 2013
Why do we need to change the way we have been doing business for the last 20 years?
Showing 51 - 60 of 64 results.
What people are saying
" is the perfect solution to time management and accurate documentation," James Smith, M.D.